Governance – setting the scene
Fundamentally the Department operates a structure that empowers units to manage their scientific strategies as locally as possible, enabling these to join up and inform Departmental strategy, whilst ensuring resource allocation and operational support is appropriate and sustainable accounting for internal and external factors. Ultimately all strategies, resourcing, risks and opportunities are covered in the department’s 5 year plan, as informed by each ICU’s plans, are updated annually to the Medical Sciences Division
Committee membership
Committee/Meeting | Male | Female |
Science & Strategy Committee | 18 | 7 |
Head of Unit meetings | 10 | 4 |
Strategic Operations Committee | 2 | 2 |
Health & Safety SC | 6 | 5 |
Graduate Studies SC | 13 | 16 |
Finance SC | 4 | 5 |
Human Resources SC | 2 | 5 |
- EDI SC | 5 | 7 |
- Health and Wellbeing SC | 6 | 16 |
- Research Culture SC | New - tba | New - tab |
Research Grant Management SC | 1 | 7 |
Risk, Assurance and Compliance SC | 3 | 2 |
Space and Capital Planning SC | 2 | 6 |
Resource allocation engagement opportunities
Annual | Budget Setting | Budget setting involves all management levels, and includes review by MSD. Final approval is via Divisional and Central University committees. | This is also the time when the use of reserves are discussed, as well as trust funds, SRF business plans, and use of funds for strategic purposes to deliver the strategic plan. |
Quarterly (3) | Forecasting | There are three further opportunities to access resources attached to the process of the formal quarterly review of budgets. Again Units are engaged in this process through Directors, Business Managers and Finance Officers. | As above. Nov, Feb, May. |
Annual | Internal Call | The NDM runs an annual process for the replacement of strategic research equipment. | The call is typically between Feb and April. Its size is dependent on internal and external factors. |
Adhoc | Grant Applications | Leverage of institutional support can be sought on a grant-by-grant basis. | More specifically for significant awards, there is interaction with MSD and the University for support. |
Adhoc | Incident/Emergency | Depending on the requirements this may come from discretionary funds provided annually to each Unit, or an additional allocation from the Department. | On occasion, funds come from the University when linked to statutory requirements such as Health & Safety. |
Resource Allocation Adhoc | Strategic Opportunities | Depending on the requirements this may come from discretionary funds provided annually to each Unit, an additional allocation from the Department. Posts can only be covered as bridging for up to 6 months. No long-term commitments can be made. | On occasion, these are linked to philanthropic opportunities and gifts and involve the University Development Office. |
Annual Update to 5-year Plan | Full scope of activity | Annually in late summer Unit Directors are asked to refresh their 5-year plan which is then compiled into an overall Departmental update to the Division. This also has updates to flag potential minor capital projects £>100k and <£15m funded by the Central University. | Whilst this exercise does not provide resources per se it does flag where resources may be required and help with prioritisation across the NDM, the MSD and the University. |
Funding can also be sought from Divisional and University sources via advertised schemes, such as Strategic Research Fund, John Fell Fund and others.