Review article: Pathophysiology of the intestinal mucosa in inflammatory bowel disease and arthritis: similarities and dissimilarities in clinical findings.
Orchard T., Jewell DP.
Although apparently dissimilar in both structure and function, the gut and locomotor system are linked by a number of clinical syndromes in which both are involved. In inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal mucosal inflammation is the primary problem, but may be associated with both axial and peripheral arthropathies. In the seronegative spondyloarthropathies the primary problem is in the locomotor system, but intestinal abnormalities may also be present. In addition, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs used in their treatment, may cause a distinct enteropathy which may be confused with the disease-related intestinal abnormalities. The clinical, histological and genetic features of these conditions are examined in order to assess their relationship and the central role of the intestinal mucosa in their pathogenesis.