Supplementary Figure S4 from Obinutuzumab Pretreatment as a Novel Approach to Mitigate Formation of Anti-Drug Antibodies Against Cergutuzumab Amunaleukin in Patients with Solid Tumors
Peters S., Angevin E., Alonso-Gordoa T., Rohrberg K., Melero I., Mellado B., Perez-Gracia J-L., Tabernero J., Adessi C., Boetsch C., Watson C., Dal Porto J., Dejardin D., Del Nagro C., Nicolini V., Evers S., Klein C., Leutgeb B., Pisa P., Rossmann E., Saro J., Umana P., Charo J., Teichgräber V., Steeghs N.
<p>Supplementary Figure S4. Full patient disposition for the Phase I/Ib substudies. A, CEA-IL2v monotherapy with or without obinutuzumab pretreatment. The red boxes indicate the data used to support the information included within the manuscript. B, CEA-IL2v in combination with atezolizumab with or without obinutuzumab pretreatment. The red boxes indicate the data used to support the information included within the manuscript.</p>