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Authorization of the Matrix-M (MM)-adjuvanted R21 vaccine by three countries and its subsequent endorsement by the World Health Organization for malaria prevention in children are a milestone in the fight against malaria. Yet, our understanding of the innate and adaptive immune responses elicited by this vaccine remains limited. Here, we compared three clinically relevant adjuvants [3M-052 + aluminum hydroxide (Alum) (3M), a TLR7/8 agonist formulated in Alum; GLA-LSQ, a TLR4 agonist formulated in liposomes with QS-21; and MM, the now-approved adjuvant for R21] for their capacity to induce durable immune responses to R21 in macaques. R21 adjuvanted with 3M on a 0, 8, and 23-week schedule elicited anti-circumsporozoite antibody responses comparable in magnitude to the R21/MM vaccine administered using a 0-4-8-week regimen and persisted up to 72 weeks with a half-life of 337 days. A booster dose at 72 weeks induced a recall response similar to the R21/MM vaccination. In contrast, R21/GLA-LSQ immunization induced a lower, short-lived response at the dose used. Consistent with the durable serum antibody responses, MM and 3M induced long-lived plasma cells in the bone marrow and other tissues, including the spleen. Furthermore, whereas 3M stimulated potent and persistent antiviral transcriptional and cytokine signatures after primary and booster immunizations, MM induced enhanced expression of interferon- and TH2-related signatures more highly after the booster vaccination. Collectively, these findings provide a resource on the immune responses of three clinically relevant adjuvants with R21 and highlight the promise of 3M as another adjuvant for malarial vaccines.

Original publication





Sci Transl Med

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Animals, Malaria Vaccines, Adjuvants, Immunologic, Macaca mulatta, Adjuvants, Vaccine, Antibodies, Protozoan, Cytokines