Field-Based Flow Cytometry forEx VivoCharacterization of Plasmodium vivax and P. falciparum Antimalarial Sensitivity
Russell B., Malleret B., Suwanarusk R., Anthony C., Kanlaya S., Lau YL., Woodrow CJ., Nosten F., Renia L.
ABSTRACTEx vivoantimalarial sensitivity testing in human malaria parasites has largely depended on microscopic determination of schizont maturation. While this microscopic method is sensitive, it suffers from poor precision and is laborious. The recent development of portable, low-cost cytometers has allowed us to develop and validate a simple, field-optimized protocol using SYBR green and dihydroethidium for the accurate and objective determination of antimalarial drug sensitivity in freshly isolatedPlasmodium vivaxandPlasmodium falciparum.