Synthesis of highly water-soluble adamantyl phosphoinositide derivatives
Gregory M., Yin MX., McConville MJ., Williams E., Bullock AN., Conway SJ., Burgess AW., Catimel B., Holmes AB.
© 2015 CSIRO. Phosphatidylinositol phosphates are key regulators of cell signalling pathways and membrane trafficking in eukaryotic cells, and there is a need for new chemical probes to further understand how they interact with lipid-binding proteins. Here, the synthesis of phosphatidylinositol phosphate analogues containing adamantyl carboxylic ester groups, in place of the natural lipid side chains, is described. These derivatives are considerably more soluble in water than analogues containing other lipid side chains and do not form large aggregates such as liposomes or micelles. These adamantyl analogues bind to known phosphoinositide-binding proteins with similar affinities to native ligands and will facilitate future studies on the substrate specificities of these proteins involving cocrystallisation studies with proteins.