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BACKGROUND: Transmission of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum from humans to the mosquito vector requires differentiation of a sub-population of asexual forms replicating within red blood cells into non-dividing male and female gametocytes. The nature of the molecular mechanism underlying this key differentiation event required for malaria transmission is not fully understood. METHODS: Whole genome sequencing was used to examine the genomic diversity of the gametocyte non-producing 3D7-derived lines F12 and A4. These lines were used in the recent detection of the PF3D7_1222600 locus (encoding PfAP2-G), which acts as a genetic master switch that triggers gametocyte development. RESULTS: The evolutionary changes from the 3D7 parental strain through its derivatives F12 (culture-passage derived cloned line) and A4 (transgenic cloned line) were identified. The genetic differences including the formation of chimeric var genes are presented. CONCLUSION: A genomics resource is provided for the further study of gametocytogenesis or other phenotypes using these parasite lines.

Original publication





Malar J

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A4, ApiAP2 gene family, F12, Gametocytes, Plasmodium falciparum, Whole genome sequencing, Gametogenesis, Genome, Protozoan, Plasmodium falciparum, Polymorphism, Genetic, Sequence Analysis, DNA