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In order to uncover miRNA changes in endometriosis pathogenesis, both endometriotic lesions and endometrial biopsies, as well as stromal and epithelial cells isolated from these tissues have been investigated and a large number of dysregulated miRNAs have been reported. However, the concordance between the result of different studies has remained small. One potential explanation for limited overlap between the proposed disease-related miRNAs could be the heterogeneity in tissue composition, as some studies have compared highly heterogeneous whole-lesion biopsies with endometrial tissue, some have compared the endometrium from patients and controls, and some have used pure cell fractions isolated from lesions and endometrium. This review focuses on the results of published miRNA studies in endometriosis to reveal the potential impact of tissue heterogeneity on the discovery of disease-specific miRNA alterations in endometriosis. Additionally, functional studies that explore the roles of endometriosis-involved miRNAs are discussed.

Original publication





Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis

Publication Date





2282 - 2292


Endometriosis, Endometrium, MicroRNA, Microarray, Stroma, Tissue heterogeneity, Animals, Endometriosis, Endometrium, Female, Gene Expression Regulation, Humans, MicroRNAs