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Ecology of End-of-life Medical Care for Advanced Cancer Patients in China.

Yang F. et al, (2023), The American journal of hospice & palliative care

The terminal phase in Parkinson's disease: a mixed methods systematic review

Rogers A. et al, (2022), British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 18, 12 - 19

Hospice at Home services in England: a national survey.

Rees-Roberts M. et al, (2021), BMJ supportive & palliative care, 11, 454 - 460

Palliative medicine video consultations in the pandemic: patient feedback.

Sutherland AE. et al, (2021), BMJ supportive & palliative care, 11, 404 - 405

Implementing advance care planning in heart failure: a qualitative study of primary healthcare professionals.

Schichtel M. et al, (2021), The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 71, e550 - e560

Hospital at home: home-based end-of-life care.

Shepperd S. et al, (2021), The Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 3

Medical undergraduate palliative care education (UPCE).

McMahon D. and Wee B., (2021), BMJ supportive & palliative care, 11, 4 - 6

Redefining Palliative Care-A New Consensus-Based Definition.

Radbruch L. et al, (2020), Journal of pain and symptom management, 60, 754 - 764

Can video consultations replace face-to-face interviews? Palliative medicine and the Covid-19 pandemic: rapid review.

Sutherland AE. et al, (2020), BMJ supportive & palliative care, 10, 271 - 275

Fan therapy for cough: case report and literature review.

Sutherland AE. et al, (2020), BMJ supportive & palliative care

Carer administration of as-needed subcutaneous medication for breakthrough symptoms in people dying at home: the CARiAD feasibility RCT.

Poolman M. et al, (2020), Health technology assessment (Winchester, England), 24, 1 - 150

The Effect of Advance Care Planning on Heart Failure: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Schichtel M. et al, (2020), Journal of General Internal Medicine, 35, 874 - 884

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