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DNA Thermo-Protection Facilitates Whole-Genome Sequencing of Mycobacteria Direct from Clinical Samples

Journal article

George S. et al, (2020), Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 58

Two Distinct Patterns of Clostridium difficile Diversity Across Europe Indicating Contrasting Routes of Spread

Journal article

Eyre DW. et al, (2018), Clinical Infectious Diseases, 67, 1035 - 1044

Clostridium difficile in England: can we stop washing our hands? – Authors' reply

Journal article

Eyre DW. et al, (2017), The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 17, 478 - 479

Effects of control interventions on Clostridium difficile infection in England: an observational study

Journal article

Dingle KE. et al, (2017), The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 17, 411 - 421

Wild bird-associatedCampylobacter jejuniisolates are a consistent source of human disease, in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

Journal article

Cody AJ. et al, (2015), Environmental Microbiology Reports, 7, 782 - 788

Emergence and spread of predominantly community-onset Clostridium difficile PCR ribotype 244 infection in Australia, 2010 to 2012.

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Eyre DW. et al, (2015), Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin, 20

The Complexity and Diversity of the Pathogenicity Locus in Clostridium difficile Clade 5

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Elliott B. et al, (2014), Genome Biology and Evolution, 6, 3159 - 3170

Evolutionary History of the Clostridium difficile Pathogenicity Locus

Journal article

Dingle KE. et al, (2014), Genome Biology and Evolution, 6, 36 - 52

Diverse Sources of C. difficile Infection Identified on Whole-Genome Sequencing

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Eyre DW. et al, (2013), New England Journal of Medicine, 369, 1195 - 1205

Real-Time Genomic Epidemiological Evaluation of Human Campylobacter Isolates by Use of Whole-Genome Multilocus Sequence Typing

Journal article

Cody AJ. et al, (2013), Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 51, 2526 - 2534

A Modified RNA-Seq Approach for Whole Genome Sequencing of RNA Viruses from Faecal and Blood Samples

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Batty EM. et al, (2013), PLoS ONE, 8, e66129 - e66129

Relationship Between Bacterial Strain Type, Host Biomarkers, and Mortality in Clostridium difficile Infection

Journal article

Walker AS. et al, (2013), Clinical Infectious Diseases, 56, 1589 - 1600

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