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QRISK3 underestimates the risk of cardiovascular events in patients with COPD.

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Amegadzie JE. et al, (2024), Thorax, 79, 718 - 724

Coordinated nasal mucosa-mediated immunity accelerates recovery from COVID-19.

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Cass SP. et al, (2024), ERJ open research, 10, 919 - 2023

Development and validation of a new algorithm for improved cardiovascular risk prediction

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Hippisley-Cox J. et al, (2024), Nature Medicine, 30, 1440 - 1447

Inhaled corticosteroids for the treatment of COVID-19.

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Bafadhel M. et al, (2022), European respiratory review : an official journal of the European Respiratory Society, 31

Moving the pathway goalposts: COPD as an immune-mediated inflammatory disease.

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Cass SP. et al, (2022), The Lancet. Respiratory medicine, 10, 1110 - 1113

Discordant diagnostic criteria for pneumonia in COPD trials: a review

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Wise RA. et al, (2021), European Respiratory Review, 30, 210124 - 210124

A new piece in the puzzle: the eosinophil and the development of COPD

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Petousi N. et al, (2021), European Respiratory Journal, 58, 2101105 - 2101105

Renaming COPD exacerbations: the UK respiratory nursing perspective.

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Mwasuku C. et al, (2021), BMC pulmonary medicine, 21

Predicting treatment outcomes following an exacerbation of airways disease

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Halner A. et al, (2021), PLOS ONE, 16, e0254425 - e0254425

Inhaled budesonide in the treatment of early COVID-19 (STOIC): a phase 2, open-label, randomised controlled trial.

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Ramakrishnan S. et al, (2021), The Lancet. Respiratory medicine

Finding the true prevalence of obstructive lung disease: two steps forward and one step back

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Russell REK. and Wang K., (2020), European Respiratory Journal, 55, 2001514 - 2001514

The Use of Benralizumab in the Treatment of Near-Fatal Asthma: A New Approach

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Ramakrishnan S. et al, (2020), American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 201, 1441 - 1443

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