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Group A Streptococcus induces CD1a-autoreactive T cells and promotes psoriatic inflammation.

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Chen Y-L. et al, (2023), Science immunology, 8

CD1a promotes systemic manifestations of skin inflammation.

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Hardman CS. et al, (2022), Nature communications, 13

Staphylococcal phosphatidylglycerol antigens activate human T cells via CD1a.

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Monnot GC. et al, (2022), Nature immunology

Dengue virus co-opts innate type 2 pathways to escape early control of viral replication.

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Fonseka CL. et al, (2022), Communications biology, 5

A blood atlas of COVID-19 defines hallmarks of disease severity and specificity

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Ahern DJ. et al, (2022), Cell, 185, 916 - 938.e58

Evaluation of perturbed iron-homeostasis in a prospective cohort of patients with COVID-19.

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Frost JN. et al, (2022), Wellcome open research, 7

Pre-existing asthma as a comorbidity does not modify cytokine responses and severity of COVID-19

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Luo J. et al, (2021), Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology, 17

Identification of immune correlates of fatal outcomes in critically ill COVID-19 patients

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Youngs J. et al, (2021), PLOS Pathogens, 17, e1009804 - e1009804

CD1a selectively captures endogenous cellular lipids that broadly block T cell response.

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Cotton RN. et al, (2021), The Journal of experimental medicine, 218

IL-6 effector function of group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2) is NOD2 dependent

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Hardman CS. et al, (2021), Science Immunology, 6

Role of regulatory T cells in psoriasis pathogenesis and treatment.

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Re-evaluation of human BDCA-2+ DC during acute sterile skin inflammation

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Resistance to apoptosis underpins the corticosteroid insensitivity of group 2 innate lymphoid cells.

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Luo J. et al, (2019), The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 144, 1722 - 1726.e10

Proof-of-concept clinical trial of etokimab shows a key role for IL-33 in atopic dermatitis pathogenesis

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Chen Y-L. et al, (2019), Science Translational Medicine, 11

Fevipiprant, a selective prostaglandin D2 receptor 2 antagonist, inhibits human group 2 innate lymphoid cell aggregation and function.

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Hardman C. et al, (2019), The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 143, 2329 - 2333

CD1a presentation of endogenous antigens by group 2 innate lymphoid cells

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Hardman CS. et al, (2017), Science Immunology, 2

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