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Same-Day Diagnostic and Surveillance Data for Tuberculosis via Whole-Genome Sequencing of Direct Respiratory Samples

Journal article

Votintseva AA. et al, (2017), Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 55, 1285 - 1298

Using reference-free compressed data structures to analyze sequencing reads from thousands of human genomes

Journal article

Dolle DD. et al, (2017), Genome Research, 27, 300 - 309

High-Accuracy HLA Type Inference from Whole-Genome Sequencing Data Using Population Reference Graphs

Journal article

Dilthey AT. et al, (2016), PLOS Computational Biology, 12, e1005151 - e1005151

Indels, structural variation, and recombination drive genomic diversity in Plasmodium falciparum

Journal article

Miles A. et al, (2016), Genome Research, 26, 1288 - 1299

Inferring Strain Mixture within Clinical Plasmodium falciparum Isolates from Genomic Sequence Data

Journal article

O’Brien JD. et al, (2016), PLOS Computational Biology, 12, e1004824 - e1004824

A global reference for human genetic variation

Journal article

Auton A. et al, (2015), Nature, 526, 68 - 74

Whole-genome sequencing for prediction of Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug susceptibility and resistance: a retrospective cohort study

Journal article

Walker TM. et al, (2015), The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 15, 1193 - 1202

Improved genome inference in the MHC using a population reference graph

Journal article

Dilthey A. et al, (2015), Nature Genetics, 47, 682 - 688

Improved genome inference in the MHC using a population reference graph

Journal article

Dilthey A. et al, (2015), Nature Genetics, 47, 682 - 688

The genomic and phenotypic diversity of Schizosaccharomyces pombe

Journal article

Jeffares DC. et al, (2015), Nature Genetics, 47, 235 - 241

Rapid Whole-Genome Sequencing for Surveillance ofSalmonella entericaSerovar Enteritidis

Journal article

den Bakker HC. et al, (2014), Emerging Infectious Diseases, 20, 1306 - 1314

A Bayesian Approach to Inferring the Phylogenetic Structure of Communities from Metagenomic Data

Journal article

O’Brien JD. et al, (2014), Genetics, 197, 925 - 937

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