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Anjali Gupta Hinch

Group Leader / Sir Henry Dale and Wellcome-Beit Fellow

Work summary

Anjali is a group leader and Sir Henry Dale Fellow, supported by the Wellcome Trust and Royal Society. She was awarded the Wellcome Beit Prize in 2021.  

Anjali is interested in germline DNA changes, which include de novo mutation and recombination. Her lab uses a combination of computational and experimental approaches towards understanding the biological mechanisms underlying mutation and recombination, and their impacts on human health and the evolution of species.

Selected publications

Hinch, R., Donnelly, P., Hinch, A.G.* Meiotic DNA breaks drive multifaceted mutagenesis in the human gemline. Science. Vol. 382, Issue 6674 (2023).

B Davies, G Zhang, D Moralli, S Alghadban, D Biggs, C Preece, P Donnelly, AG Hinch*. Characterisation of meiotic recombination intermediates through gene knockouts in founder hybrid mice. Genome Research 10.1101/gr.278024.123.

Hinch, A.G.*, Becker, P. W., Li, T., Moralli, D., Zhang, G., et al. The configuration of RPA, RAD51 and DMC1 binding in meiosis reveals the nature of critical recombination intermediates. Molecular Cell.  (2020).

Anjali G Hinch, Gang Zhang, Philipp W Becker, Daniela Moralli, Robert Hinch, et al. Factors influencing meiotic recombination revealed by whole-genome sequencing of single sperm. Science. Vol. 363, Issue 6433 (2019).

Anjali G Hinch, Arti Tandon, Nick Patterson, Yunli Song, Nadin Rohland, et al. The landscape of recombination in African Americans. Nature. 2011; 476: 170-175.

Davies B, Hatton E, Altemose N, Hussin JG, Pratto F, Zhang G, Hinch AGet al. Re-engineering the zinc fingers of PRDM9 reverses hybrid sterility in mice. Nature. 530, 171-176 (2016).

Evrony, G.D., Hinch, A.G., Luo, C. Applications of Single-Cell DNA Sequencing. Annual Reviews of Genomics and Human Genetics(2021).

Yamada, S., Hinch, A. G. , Kamido, H., Zhang, Y., Edelmann, W., Keeney, S. (2020). Molecular structures and mechanisms of DNA break processing in mouse meiosis. Genes and Development. 10.1101/gad.336032.119