Gustavo Arruda Bezerra
Team Leader for Protein Crystallography
Team Leader - Protein Crystallography group - Centre for Medicines Discovery - Congregation member
I am a team leader at the Protein Crystallography SRF (headed by Professor Frank von Delft), at the Centre for Medicines Discovery ( We employ cutting-edge biophysical methods combined with chemical biology to develop new therapeutic approaches, mainly exploring small molecules targeting enzymes. Specifically, I am interested in developing antimicrobials and antivirals, having done extensive work on enzymes from Porphyromonas gingivalis, the human oral microbiome's primary bacterium. I also study human metabolic enzymes and their involvement in common and rare diseases. I am particularly interested in exploring the potential of fragments for structure-based drug design, employing the XChem facility at the Diamond Light Source (DLS) to identify chemical matters for several human and bacterial drug targets ( At the Protein Crystallography group, we work closely with DLS and Rosalind Franklin Institute, developing computational infrastructures that allow rapid structure-activity relationships (SAR) from large-scale multi-step reactions on low-cost robotics (OpenTrons). Subsequently, we employ Artificial Intelligence methods to combine hit-based compound design with retrosynthetic triage efficiently. I currently lead a team of researchers in drug development programs in partnership with prominent biopharmaceutical companies. In this context, I hold two Lab282 awards ( to develop small molecules aiming at antibiotics development and treatment for a rare disease.
I coordinate crystallography-based fragment screens for the recently approved IMI-funded EUbOPEN chemogenomics project, a €53m 22-partner initiative. This consortium aims to generate the most extensive freely available set of high-quality chemical inhibitors for one-third of the druggable human genome.
Recent publications
Crystal structure and interaction studies of human DHTKD1 provide insight into a mitochondrial megacomplex in lysine catabolism.
Bezerra GA. et al, (2020), IUCrJ, 7, 693 - 706
Human aminolevulinate synthase structure reveals a eukaryotic-specific autoinhibitory loop regulating substrate binding and product release.
Bailey HJ. et al, (2020), Nature communications, 11
Substrate reduction therapy for inborn errors of metabolism
Yue WW. et al, (2019), Emerging Topics in Life Sciences, 3, 63 - 73
Structural basis for the regulation of human 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase by phosphorylation and S-adenosylmethionine inhibition
Froese DS. et al, (2018), Nature Communications, 9
Identification of a new subtype of dipeptidyl peptidase 11 and a third group of the S46-family members specifically present in the genus Bacteroides
Nemoto TK. et al, (2018), Biochimie, 147, 25 - 35
Bacterial protease uses distinct thermodynamic signatures for substrate recognition
Bezerra GA. et al, (2017), Scientific Reports, 7
Vaccinia Virus Immunomodulator A46: A Lipid and Protein-Binding Scaffold for Sequestering Host TIR-Domain Proteins
Fedosyuk S. et al, (2016), PLOS Pathogens, 12, e1006079 - e1006079
A Porphyromonas gingivalis Periplasmic Novel Exopeptidase, Acylpeptidyl Oligopeptidase, Releases N-Acylated Di- and Tripeptides from Oligopeptides
Nemoto TK. et al, (2016), Journal of Biological Chemistry, 291, 5913 - 5925
Structure of human dipeptidyl peptidase 10 (DPPY): a modulator of neuronal Kv4 channels
Bezerra GA. et al, (2015), Scientific Reports, 5
Unique Crystal Structure of a Novel Surfactant Protein from the Foam Nest of the FrogLeptodactylus vastus
Cavalcante Hissa D. et al, (2014), ChemBioChem, 15, 393 - 398