Hanyu Qin
DPhil Student
Dphil Student/ICU specialist/MD
As a clinician who’s worked in the best ICU of mainland China for the past few years, I understand some patients deteriorate very soon (hours) after developing severe infection or sepsis, during which organ failure might be presented and very few interventions can be done to reverse this process. Studying sepsis susceptibility and identifying patient clusters with specific pathophysiological mechanisms is key preparation for future targeted therapy in this acute illness.
I was awarded 2021 CSC-CAMS-Oxford Scholarship to do a Dphil project based in Knight Group to investigate dysregulated host immune response by multi-omic approach. Previous work from the group has defined sepsis response signatures(SRS) as informative endotypes associated with outcome and post-hoc analysis of VANISH trial also gave a hint that SRS2 patient group correlates with early mortality if managed with hydrocortisone. My motivation driven by research interest together with granted accessibility of intense training in bioinformatics would enable clustering patient subgroups and explaining non/responsiveness from current severe disease management eg. steroids, fluid resuscitation etc. by applying multi-dimensional mobilities.