Helen Lockstone
Recent publications
BRCA2 abrogation triggers innate immune responses potentiated by treatment with PARP inhibitors
Reisländer T. et al, (2019), Nature Communications, 10
A Requirement for Zic2 in the Regulation of Nodal Expression Underlies the Establishment of Left-Sided Identity
Dykes IM. et al, (2018), Scientific Reports, 8
Expression of Idh1R132H in the Murine Subventricular Zone Stem Cell Niche Recapitulates Features of Early Gliomagenesis
Bardella C. et al, (2016), Cancer Cell, 30, 578 - 594
Negative autoregulation of BMP dependent transcription by SIN3B splicing reveals a role for RBM39
Faherty N. et al, (2016), Scientific Reports, 6