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Professor Trudie Lang

Professor Trudie Lang

Podcast interview

The Global Health Network, Driving equity in health research

The Global Health Network is a global community connecting health researchers and organisations to overcome research barriers across diseases and locations. It provides access to knowledge, training and resources, empowering researchers, especially in low-resource areas, to conduct high-quality research. Our goal is to shift the research hierarchy, enabling all healthcare workers to engage in impactful, pragmatic studies. This approach addresses the need for comprehensive research ecosystems to improve healthcare outcomes.

View podcast transcript.

Audio interview

Listen to Trudie Lang in Covid-19: how are African countries coping? – Science Weekly Podcast recorded by The Guardian on April 8th 2020.

Trudie speaks about the outbreak on the continent and  how a history of responding to Ebola and other public health emergencies could help.

Trudie Lang

Professor of Global Health Research

  • Head of The Global Health Network, @Oxford

The Global Health Network

My career has focused on combating diseases of poverty through the generation of high quality evidence. I have worked in Industry, academia and UN organisations. With my team and our partners we work to drive better health outcomes in vulnerable communities by enabling local leadership and ground-up implementation of high quality health research studies.

Within the University of Oxford, I devised and lead The Global Health Network which is a major international collaborative enterprise that sets out to improve health by improving research. We achieve this by finding better processes, building local capacity, supporting careers and enabling research in situations and diseases where live-saving data is woefully lacking.