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Headshot of Cori Campbell, DPhil studentUndertaking a DPhil in NDM has been a wonderful experience so far, and I've been able to develop various research skills and a foundational body of work in my first two years of study. NDM is a large department with a wide range of research groups and much interdisciplinary collaboration occurs between groups; working in such diverse teams of researchers is something I appreciate most about working in the department. My supervisors and peers/colleagues in NDM have also been supportive and kind, and are very enthusiastic to give constructive and helpful feedback. I always feel my perspective and input as a young research scientist is respected and valued. There are also various training opportunities made available to DPhil within NDM and the wider MSD departments which enable students to acquire new skills and learn from colleagues and students from other disciplines.

- Cori Campbell, DPhil in Clinical Medicine student 



Induction week for new postgraduate students will take place in the week commencing 2 October 2023.

Students in a full lecture theatre watching a talk

As part of your NDM induction you will receive:

  • An overview of the department and of your studies
  • Health and safety inductions to any labs and buildings that you will need access to
  • Access to labs and buildings
  • IT setup 


If you are accepted onto the DPhil programme, workspace will be allocated according to individual circumstances. If undertaking experimental work, you will be provided with bench space in a laboratory. If undertaking theoretical research, you will have shared office space.

Assessed milestones

DPhil students must pass two milestone assessments during their research career:

  1. Transfer of status - this must take place by the end of the fourth term (or eighth term for part-time students). Students submit a written transfer report and are interviewed by two assessors.
  2. Confirmation of status - this must take place by the end of the ninth term (or eighteenth term for part-time students). Students submit a detailed thesis contents list and timetable for completion and are interviewed by two assessors.

Both assessments are designed to evaluate students' progress and provide an opportunity to receive independent feedback.

Note that there is no period of rotation or formal taught element to the DPhil in Clinical Medicine.


Students are expected to submit their thesis within three to four years of admission to the DPhil. A viva (oral examination) is then conducted, normally within three months of submission. The viva is conducted by two examiners, one internal and one external to the University. 

Welfare and support

Words relating to welfare and support on post-it notes There are a number of University services available to support students during their studies, including welfare services relating to disability, counselling and mental health, harassment and conflict, and student parents.

NDM students have access to 25+ trained peer supporters in the Medical Sciences Division. Student Peer Supporters are available to talk informally about anything that is concerning a student.

NDM students are represented in the department by the NDM Graduate Student Committee. The Committee covers all aspects of students’ experience within NDM.