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David Aanensen

Director of The Centre for Genomic Pathogen Surveillance

Cassandra Adams

Translational Scientist and Senior Programme Manager

Brian Angus

Professor and Reader in Infectious Diseases

Azim Ansari

Sir Henry Dale Fellow, Group Leader

Proochista Ariana

Associate Professor

A. Radu Aricescu

Professor of Molecular Neuroscience

Gustavo Arruda Bezerra

Team Leader for Protein Crystallography

Elizabeth Ashley

Professor of Tropical Medicine

Mona Bafadhel

Associate Professor of Respiratory Medicine

Kevin Baird

Professor of Malariology

Oliver Bannard

Professor of Adaptive Immunity

Ellie (Eleanor) Barnes

Professor of Hepatology and Experimental Medicine

Rachael Bashford-Rogers

Group leader/PI

Elizabeth Batty

Head of Molecular Microbiology

Robert Beagrie

Group Leader / Sir Henry Dale Fellow

Philip Bejon

Director Modernising Medical Microbiology

James Berkley

Professor of Paediatric Infectious Diseases

Tammie Bishop

Associate Professor

Sumi Biswas

Associate Professor

Stuart Blacksell

Professor of Tropical Microbiology

Francesco Boccellato

Leadership Fellow

Persephone Borrow

Professor of Viral Immunology

Matthew Bottomley

Clinical Career Development Fellow in Renal Medicine

Chas Bountra

Pro-Vice Chancellor for Innovation at the University of Oxford and the Head of ...

Thomas Bowden

Professor of Structural Biology

Paul Brennan

Professor of Medicinal Chemistry

Katherine Bull

Clinician Scientist

Alex Bullock

Professor of Structural and Chemical Biology

Nicola Burgess-Brown

Associate Professor, Biotechnology

George Busby

Post-doctoral research associate

Helen Byrne

Professor of Mathematical Biology

Liz Carpenter

Professor of Protein Structural Biology

Juan Carrique-Mas

Research fellow

Gail Carson


Climent Casals-Pascual

Dr, DPhil

Pablo Cespedes

Group Leader & Career Development Fellow at CAMS COI

Mary Chambers

Head of Public and Community Engagement

Ross Chapman


Phaik Yeong Cheah

Professor of Global Health

Yi-Ling Chen

Career Development Fellow

Marc Choisy

Group head (Mathematical Modelling)

David Church


Paola Cicconi

Senior Clinical Research Fellow

Julia Colston

Postdoctoral Scientist

Chris P Conlon FRCP

Professor of Infectious Diseases

Stefan N. Constantinescu

Professor of Cancer Signalling

Ben Cooper

Professor of Epidemiology

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